SLCAO Newsletter Guidelines and Advertising Rates

SLCAO publishes a monthly newsletter SATAHAN with assistance of a dedicated editorial team. Initially, with 4 pages, it ran as a pilot project for 3 months starting from April 2013. After the initial three months, the project proved to be successful and we are observing increased participation followed with encouragement from the community to proceed with the Newsletter.
The main objective of our newsletter is to fully serve the literary needs of the membership community and also distribute timely information of important cultural and community information to our members.
In order to ensure that our online newsletter is valuable and timely, the following guidelines have been compiled for members making a contribution. If you have any questions or comments regarding these guidelines, please contact SLCAO at ec
The goal is for the newsletter to be published by noon on the second Thursday of each month, with the understanding that the schedule may need to be adjusted slightly during certain months because of holidays or other scheduling conflicts. In those instances, the Writer/Editor will ensure that the content providers still have adequate time to prepare submissions.
Definitions and guidelines summary:
• produced in electronic media (.pdf format);
• first page will be allocated to the editorial, Ottawa community news and important messages from the SLCAO. The pages 2 and 3 will be dedicated to articles and art work from children and young adults. The last page will be an open page for the members. In addition to this, advertisements from our regular sponsors will also be included;
• Due to the initial size of the newsletter following restrictions will apply:
– written material will be restricted to 300 words;
– artwork will be restricted to 2″ x 3″ (50 x 75 cm);
– articles can be in Sinhala, Tamil or English.
– all written articles needs to be supplied as .pdf files. Artwork or images need to be supplied as image files in common image formats such as .jpeg, .bmp;
• All material needs to be in sound and tasteful tone. The SLCAO will have the final desecration to accept, refuse or edit the material;
• The material will be treated on first come, first served basis;
• The deadline to receive articles for the first volume would be the 10th day of each month. These should be sent toec ;
• Please send any queries related to the newsletter to ec

Advertising Rates – Newsletter

SLCAO Newsletter SATAHAN is published monthly as an online version since 2012. The newsletter is posted to the SLCAO website and a link is emailed to all SLCAO members and newsletter subscribers all over Canada.  A limited number of newsletters maybe printed and mailed to members that don’t have email accounts or who choose to receive the printed version.
Closing Dates
The deadline for advertisements and inserts is the 10th day of the current month of publication.
Format –Full page, 1/4 page & 1/2 page Ads
Ads are to be camera ready and are to be emailed to the SLCAO Executive committee ec as a PDF file/ or a JPEG file. All ads are printed in color in the print version and online versions of the newsletter.
Rates for Advertisements

Advertisement Size Non-member rate Member rate Mechanical Size
1/4 page Vertical * $50.00 $40.00 3 3/8″ wide x 4 1/4″ high **
1/4 page Horizontal * $50.00 $40.00 7″ wide x 2 1/5″ high **
1/2 page * $85.00 $60.00 7″ wide x 4 1/4″ high **
Full page $150.00 $100.00 8 1/2″ wide x 11″ high

Order and prepay for ads in 4 consecutive issues (one year) and receive 10% discount.
Order and prepay for ads in 12 consecutive issues (one year) and receive 25% discount.
All of Sri-Lankan descent living in Ottawa:  Allow one month 1/4 page free when they sign-up for an additional month (2 months in total)

SLCAO Members: Allow two month up to  1/2 page free when they sign-up for 2 months ( 4 months in total)

SLCAO Members with newly established business within 1 year: Allow 1 X full page and 1x ½ page ad over 2 months, when they sign-up for 3 months (i.e. 5 months in total) also receive a 25% discount, for a maximum of 12 months. E.g. For a year it will be $300

Note1: All payments in full to be made via cheque on account of ”Sri Lanka Canada Association Ottawa” or via our online payment system before the ads are published.

Note2: Other payment arrangements maybe available on approval by the EC for 12 postdated cheques

Note3: SLCAO will consider on a case by case basis any other advertisement packages suitable to suite your business exposure needs please email ec


Advertising Rates – Website

Annual advertising price – $350

Ad Sizes – 140 x 300 images

Advertising Policy
Acceptability of all advertising is at the discretion of the Executive committee of SLCAO on recommendation by the Editorial Team. To ensure a balance between editorial content and advertising,  some material may be rejected or deferred based on availability of space. No cancellations will be accepted after closing dates. Limited space is available for advertising, therefore ads will be received on a first come, first serve basis.